COVID-19 Federal Emergency Grants (HEERF I, II, III)

US Capitol Building


Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund III

Monroe County 社区 College has made $2,486,363美元的紧急财政援助,通过2021年美国救援计划法案的高等教育紧急救济基金III向受COVID-19大流行经济影响的学生提供.

这些资金用于为学生提供经济援助助学金,可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

ARPA要求学校优先考虑有特殊需要的学生, such as students who receive Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants.  然而, 学生不需要成为佩尔接受者或有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生被确定为有特殊需要. 除了, ARPA明确规定,可以向专门参加远程教育的学生提供助学金.

About the Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund III

5月11日,美国总统奥巴马.S. Department of Education announced that an additional $39.高等教育机构可获得60亿美元,用于为学生提供服务,并确保在COVID-19大流行期间继续学习. 这笔资金由《十大外围app》拨给高等教育紧急救济基金III, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021.

These funds – available to over 5,这是已经获得冠状病毒援助授权的学生和机构可获得的紧急救济援助的两倍多, 救援, 《十大靠谱网投平台》(《十大外围app》)和《十大外围app》(CRRSAA)救济立法.

MCCC has reserved $2,411,从通过第三次紧急筹资基金收到的资金中拨出797美元,用于支付因COVID-19大流行而产生的机构费用.



Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund II

Monroe County 社区 College has made $650,通过《十大靠谱网投平台》的高等教育紧急救济基金II,为受COVID-19大流行经济影响的学生提供258美元的紧急经济援助.

这些资金用于为学生提供经济援助助学金,可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

CRRSAA要求学校优先考虑有特殊需要的学生, such as students who receive Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants.  然而, 学生不需要成为佩尔接受者或有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生被确定为有特殊需要. 除了, CRRSAA明确规定,可以向专门参加远程教育的学生提供助学金.

协助填写FAFSA和mcc的紧急资金申请, students should email

About the Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund II

On January 14, the U.S. Department of Education announced that an additional $21.为高等教育机构提供了20亿美元,用于为学生提供服务,并确保在COVID-19大流行期间继续学习. 这笔资金由《十大外围app》分配给高等教育紧急救济基金II, which was signed into law by former President Donald J. 特朗普12月讲话. 27, 2020.

CRRSAA appropriated $82 billion for education, and the Department of Education made available all but $1.9 billion of that funding in the 18 days after the law was enacted. Earlier this year, former Secretary DeVos expeditiously provided $30.750亿美元用于教育,通过“关怀”,即《十大靠谱网投平台》.

The January 14 announcement awarded $20.50亿美元用于公立和非营利性学院和大学,6.81亿美元用于私立学校. 公立和非营利性学校可以用他们的奖学金来资助学生, student support activities, and to cover a variety of institutional costs, including lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance education, faculty and staff trainings, 和工资. 私立学校必须将其奖学金专门用于向学生提供经济援助.

MCCC has reserved $2,168,从第二轮紧急筹资基金收到的资金中拿出506笔,用于支付因COVID-19大流行而产生的机构费用.


Financial 援助 Office


Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund I - CARES Act

In 2020, 十大外围app通过冠状病毒援助提供了紧急财政援助, 救济和经济安全法适用于因COVID-19大流行而过渡到在线课程而受到经济影响的现有和未来学生.

MCCC’s allocation of funding through the CARES Act is $1,300,516. 其中一半——650 258美元——作为紧急补助金发给学生.


In order to apply for these funds, MCCC的学生必须符合第四章的条件——这意味着他们被批准接受联邦贷款和资助项目奖励,以追求高等教育——并且在MCCC存档了一份免费的联邦学生援助申请.

MCCC学生的资格是基于他们已经或将要面临的与转向在线课程相关的经济问题, such as internet service issues, the need for a new computer or special software or hardware, or increased utility costs.

About the CARES Act

《十大外围app》于3月27日在国会获得通过,并由唐纳德·特朗普总统签署成为法律. 这是一项超过2万亿美元的经济救助计划,旨在保护美国人民免受COVID-19的公共卫生和经济影响. 它为美国工人和家庭提供快速和直接的经济援助, small businesses and preserves jobs for American industries.

根据该法案,大约140亿美元被分配给高等教育机构. The most significant portion of that funding allocation provides $12.使用基于学生入学的公式向院校支付560亿美元. Of the amount allocated to each institution under this formula, 必须预留至少50%的资金,为学生提供紧急经济援助助学金,以帮助支付因冠状病毒导致校园运营中断的相关费用.


Financial 援助 Office


Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF) Reporting